![]() By Dr. Jennifer Williams, @JenWilliamsEdu Excerpt from Teach Boldly: Using Edtech for Social Good (ISTE, 2019): In classrooms and in schools, teachers and students are coming together to take action on creating change. Technology for social good makes it possible to share diverse perspectives, values, and beliefs. It allows for engagement through collaborative activities and coordination of efforts for increased impact. Social good provides purpose for inquiry-driven practices and project-based learning (PBL) by giving students the opportunity to engage in work that is relevant, interesting, and connected to the human experience. Though dedicated efforts for social good are relatively new in K–12 education, students and teachers are seeing how and where their voices fit in the global conversation, and that they are needed. This week, I will be heading to FETC in Miami for a week of learning and sharing on all things social good and global collaboration. As I add the final touches to my presentations and my shareable resources, I wanted to take a minute to share my sessions and to showcase all the conference sessions bringing focus to the topic of social good, student activism, social awareness, and global citizenship. I’d love to hear the sessions on your schedule, too! Please tag me in on Twitter at @JenWilliamsEdu and with the #FETC hashtag! See you in Miami! Tuesday, January 14th Explore the world with Nearpod! Go on a learning journey! Presenter: Rachelle Dene Poth, @Rdene915 1:30-3:30pm ET, Room 237 Description: Discover how to create immersive, interactive learning journeys with Nearpod. Explore resources for creating engaging lessons that expand the boundaries of your classroom, all with one multi-purpose tool. Learn many ways to use Nearpod to promote student-driven learning and provide diverse resources for students all in one place. It is a multi-purpose tool that can help educators provide enriching learning opportunities for students, as well as for students to create their own lessons and expand their knowledge and global awareness. Walk away with lessons to use tomorrow! Wednesday, January 15th Teach Boldly: Using Edtech for Social Good Presenter: Jennifer Williams, @JenWilliamsEdu 8:00-10:00am ET, Room 205 Description: Today’s students are ready to design, dream, and make the future! Join for this session customized for classrooms ready to activate positive change in teaching and learning through innovative practices, meaningful use of technology, and social action. We will outline a step-by-step plan for creating social good projects in classrooms and will dive into topics of social action, sustainable development, social-emotional learning, and digital storytelling. Top tools and projects for social good will be shared and explored and participants will leave with ready-to-go action plans to teach boldly and use edtech for social good! Let’s get going to make a positive difference for people and planet! Tools for Engaging English and World Language Learners Presenter: Rushton Hurley, @rushtonh 1:00-1:40pm ET, Room 219-221 Description: Few subjects have had technology challenge its traditional methods like languages, but the news is good: we have tools to help students make strides like never before. In this session, we'll look at a variety of tools and activities, exploring implementation, collaboration, and even a little assessment. Language teachers, this one's for you! We will use all browser-based tools, but participants should have a Google account and are encouraged to add the Screencastify extension. Designing a Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy Presenter Ken Shelton, @k_shelton 1:30-3:30pm ET, Room 240-241 Description: This highly interactive session will take participants through the identification of culturally relevant and culturally responsive pedagogical practices. The session includes examples of how to design culturally sensitive/responsive learning opportunities for students through active participation. We will look at and participate in several key instructional outcome areas as well as identify several technology-rich integration strategies. Endorsed by Future Ready Let’s Do This! Design-Thinking + Social Good Presenter: Jennifer Williams, @JenWilliamsEdu 2:00-2:40pm ET, Room 244-245 Description: Here we go! Let's get moving on creating lessons to support student action and social good! Join for a power-packed session as we dive right into lesson planning ideas to incorporate design thinking, student voice, and inquiry-based learning into instruction. We will share our top tools and favorite programs and will support you to create a plan for action for the classroom. We hope you join as we look to find ways to help our students take action on their passions and causes through purpose and collaboration! Thursday, January 16th Solving Problems in Local, Global, and Digital Communities in AR Presenters: Marialice Curran, @mbfxc and Jaime Donally, @JaimeDonally 8:00-10:00am ET, Room 236 Description: Identify and solve real problems in local, global and digital community using augmented reality. Become a digital citizen who confidently and positively engages with emerging technologies to think critically and act creatively. We'll explore examples of students using the global goals that made a positive impact on society. Participants will create their own examples in augmented reality to transform their own communities. iPad Lab. The Digital Equity Cycle: Anti-Racist, Diverse, and Inclusive Digital Education Panel Presenters: Tinashe Blanchet, @msblanchetnet Desiree Alexander, @educatoralex, Christie Kargbo, @KargboMs and Ken Shelton, @k_shelton 10:00-11:00am ET, Room 203 Description: In education, we love hot new buzz words. And recently, digital equity has become very popular with not many understanding what it entails or how to unpack it. In this session, let’s start an authentic conversation on how to unpack anti-racist, anti-bias, diverse, and inclusive digital education. Endorsed by Future Ready [Note: I won’t be able to attend this session as I am presenting at the same time--very disappointed to miss as this looks like an incredible panel. If anyone is able to share notes with me, I would greatly appreciate it: [email protected].] Bold Learning Spaces: Classroom Designs for Diversity and Social Good Presenter: Jennifer Williams, @JenWilliamsEdu 12:00-12:40pm ET, Room 207 Description: Looking to redesign your classroom or library learning space to be reflective of your students, their passions, and their identities? Innovative space designs are not only supporting skills of critical thinking, problem solving, and collaboration, but they are also showing potential to be responsive to culture, diversity, social-emotional learning, and social good. Join us for this featured session highlighting some of the most innovative school spaces in the world, including Google Next Lab, Black Girls CODE Lab, and more. Architect and Stanford professor Danish Kurani and social good global educator and literacy specialist Jennifer Williams join forces to share practical ideas for classroom teachers and librarians ready to take bold actions for their students. Let's start creating! Endorsed by Future Ready Globally ConnectED: Expanding the Walls of Your Classroom Presenters: Sallee Clark, @SalleeClark, and Jeni Long, @jlo731 1:30-3:30pm ET, Room 240-241 Description: Expand the walls of your classroom with global learning opportunities. Learn how to connect your classroom with educators from around the world, create student to student learning opportunities, and bring experts into your class from various learning fields. See examples of how we have used Skype, Empatico, Teams, The MEC, & GridPals. Leave this session with globally minded lesson ideas, a connection with thousands of educators & experts from all over the world, and a plan for how to expand the walls of your classroom. 6 Ways to Spark Social Good in the K12 Library Presenter: Jennifer Williams, @JenWilliamsEdu 2:00-2:40pm ET, Room 224-225 Description: Looking for ways to inspire your students to become instruments of positive change as global citizens? Join in this inspired session to discover how to fuel the collaborative library classroom and empower every student to advocate, innovate, and campaign. Come curate ideas as we share specific programs, tech tools and apps, and technology-infused initiatives that develop global competencies for our students inviting them to: 1) investigate the world; 2) weigh perspectives; 3) apply disciplinary and interdisciplinary expertise; and 4) take action! Giving Students a Voice through Social Media, Technology, and Opportunities! Presenter: Shannon Miller, @shannonmmiller 3:00-3:40pm ET, Room 224-225 Description: Our students love being engaged and connected to their learning, passions, and others through technology including digital tools, apps, and social media. Technology can empower students' creativity and innovation; problem-solving skills and critical thinking; communication and collaboration; and research and information fluency. In this workshop, Shannon will share several digital tools, apps, and platforms that fit into these different categories giving you a chance to try them out too. You will leave with a digital tool box that will help you empower every student through technology giving them the opportunity to shine within your classroom, community, and throughout the world. Endorsed by Future Ready Friday, January 17th Teach On Teacher: 6 Ways to Innovate with Intention Presenter: Jennifer Williams, @JenWilliamsEdu 8:00-10:00am, Room 233 Description: Hello there classroom teacher! Looking to preserve the craft of pedagogy and practice as you innovate in teaching and learning? A little overwhelmed with all the options and not quite sure where to begin? Join us as we explore six trends in education and ways you can navigate through the noise to keep authenticity and balance in your instruction and in your career. Topics will include: relationships, technology, professional development, time, teacher-advocacy, and self-care. We will outline a step-by-step approach to help keep intentionality as part of decision-making for tech tools and programs and to support you as a classroom teacher to keep connected to your purpose and passions. Hope you can join us! Impact Storytelling: Creating Purpose-Driven Edtech Projects Presenter: Jennifer Williams, @JenWilliamsEdu 11:00-11:40am ET, Room 222-223 Description: As our students come to understand their own connections to purpose, technology can help amplify and spread student messages and stories to cross over content areas and move beyond classroom walls. In developing a plan to support your students as storytellers, you can begin to consider practices that will enable students to act as illustrators of the human experience -- as stewards of truth and accuracy -- to allow for incorporation of the new while still preserving the aesthetic whole. Join this session as we showcase examples of impact storytelling from K-12 classrooms of the world and explore ed tech tools and innovative practices to help your students share perspectives through purpose-driven projects. I am honored to join the FETC Meet the Author session Wednesday at 3:15-3:45pm ET at Booth 2440 for Teach Boldly: Using Edtech for Social Good. Please stop by if you are free at that time! I’d love to meet up! Next stop: Miami!
10/24/2022 09:24:47 am
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